Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Interview Exercise - Instruction

Interview Exercise - Instruction

Q Interview Exercise Research question What reasons do Master’s students in the College of Education and Human Services at Cleveland State University have for pursuing graduate education? Assignment Please use the following interview protocol to conduct two interviews, record the interviews, and submit the transcripts of both interviews. No interpretation, analysis or summary shall be added to the transcripts. Prompting is often needed to get the interviewee to talk more. Please submit the two interview transcripts as one WORD document. Interview protocol 1. What led you to pursue graduate study? 2. Tell me about your decision-making process that resulted in your applying to and attending graduate school. Lead me though it step by step. Probes: 2a. Talk about any important people who influenced your decision. 2b. Tell me about any factors that made you not want to pursue graduate study. How did you decide that these factors were less important than the factors in favor of attending?

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“I want to augment my knowledge and further harness the skills that I have acquired in high school. The knowledge that I have acquired in the high school has formed the foundation, however through graduation I want to learn more about the implementation of the knowledge that I have gained so far. Moreover, I want to be a professional in the future; therefore, it is imperative that I gain more knowledge in different subjects. In addition, it is also important for me I get more exposure to the outer world and gain more experience through practical classes and other classroom teachings. I aim to pursue my graduate for being a true professional in the future.”